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The Hope of the Gospel

What do you do when you feel guilty?  What can you do to silence the guilt that bothers you?  Is God real and how does He relate to me?


These are all good questions.  We believe the answer to all of these questions are found in a relationship with God.  


That is the hope of the Gospel.  


Certainly, there are many good things the come from placing your faith in the gospel, but there is nothing greater than the opportunity to have a relationship with God.  The gospel is the story of God giving to mankind the hope of a relationship with Him.  In short here is the gospel:

God desires that each of us have a relationship with Him.  Stop to think about that for a moment-the God of all eternity the one who created everything we can see, wants a relationship with us.  Yet, we being sinners cannot have a relationship with God because our sin causes us to fall short of His incredible perfection. (Rom. 3:23) Our consciences scream guilt so often with wrong things we do.  Often we flip on the TV, immerse ourselves in Facebook, or drink night night away to numb the guilt that we feel.  The Gospel offers to us a permanent help to solve this guilt.  This help comes in the form of Christ’s death on the cross.  What a thought-


Through Christ’'s shed blood, we can have life and a relationship with God!



Because we are all sinners-Christ died for us!  Why you might ask?  All because God loves us so very much.  (But God commendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. -Rom. 5:8) The death of Christ gives to us the opportunity of a life time!  


It is through His death on the cross and his resurrection from the grave, that we can obtain forgiveness for the sin that we have done.  It is through this forgiveness that we can have a relationship with God, both now and for eternity!  (For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom. 6:23)


How do we take advantage of this opportunity? 


The Gospel comes down to our faith.  Often times, we trust in ourselves, or trust in another way to deal with the guilt that condemns us for the wrong things we've done.  Instead God wants us to trust what Christ has done to repair and redeem our relationship with Him!  Us placing our trust in what Jesus has done is called salvation and it is what makes us "Christian".  ("For by grace are ye saved through faith, in that not of yourselves it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast." Eph. 2:8,9)

Ask yourself:


Is Christ’s death on the cross what I am trusting in alone to obtain forgiveness of my sins and have a relationship with God for eternity?  Today is the day you can turn from your sin and all the other ways of dealing with your mistakes and sin, and instead embrace a new life in Christ.  Please, contact us if you would like to know more about the Gospel or have accepted Christ as your Savior!. 

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved"

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